In the midst of some of our journey through brokenness, we found healing through things like recovery, therapy and being immersed in a healthy community. We believe sharing our journey in an open and honest way can help others find healing also.

On this page you’ll find several audio and video clips from places where some of the details of our stories were shared publicly. Our past includes a lot of big failures; divorce, drugs, alcohol, sexual sin, abuse, dishonesty and adultery to name a few. Our goal is to live vulnerable and transparent lives, and therefore we wanted to create a space where you could get to know a little bit more about how we got here and why we are passionate about helping others.

To hear a few of the details of our stories, click on any of the links below. If you have feedback or questions, feel free to reach out and connect with us. Thank you so much for your time and for letting us share part of our redemption stories with you.

New Heights Church has a mission to Love God Passionately and Love People Tangibly. New Heights believes that this duel mission is why we were created and what should drive everything we do. This is our calling and our purpose. For more information about New Heights Church, check out their website at:

Celebrate Recovery is a place where people come together to work on living healthier lives. This Christ-centered 12-step program provides a safe environment where participants can address their hurts, hang-ups and habits. At CR, people who have journeyed through their own seasons of hardship into healing walk alongside you through whatever you are facing. For more information about the CR Chad and Angela are a part of, check out


Chad’s Story

Angela’s Story